General Adoption
I approve people for adoption depending on whether I think a hedgehog would be right for their family. I reserve the right to turn down any person that I feel would not be a good match for one of our hedgehogs.
If you are a breeder, or an individual with prior hedgehog experience and are interested in breeding, please contact me for more information. We have different policies and requirements for hedgies intended for breeding.
Hedgehogs are reserved in the order deposits are received. Once we get your deposit, you are added to the priority list and you are guaranteed your spot in line for selecting a hedgie. Only approved people who have sent in their deposit are allowed on the priority list.
Upon pickup, buyers are required to sign our Hedgehog Adoption Contract. This covers our health guarantee, the new owner's responsibility toward the hedgehog's welfare, the agreement that the animal is a pet and not a breeding animal, etc. This adoption contract also serves as the legally required USDA record of you receiving your animal.